

This cute bobble baby cardigan is made using a simple dc stitch for three rows then a bobble row. It's quick and easy to work up. Then the arm cuffs and edging is made with a single crochet rib stitch.

The full pattern can be purchased here with sizes preemie to 2 years


Preemie to fit 13 inch chest


100g dk / 8ply / light worsted acrylic yarn

3 and 4 mm hook

5 x 15mm buttons


Written in English US terms with abbreviations for UK terms

sc=single crochet (double crochet in UK terms)

dc=double crochet (treble crochet UK terms)

bs=Bobble stitch- (yarn over, insert hook into next stitch, pull up a loop, yarn over and pull through 2 stitches), four times, you should have 5 stitches on hook, yarn over and pull through all 5.




slst=slip stitch

sk=skip the next stitch

Gauge Square

With 4mm hook

Row 1: Ch12, dc in 4th ch from hook and each chain across. (9) Turn

Row 2-4: ch1, dc in base of ch1, dc 8. (9) Turn

Square should measure 5 cm wide by 5 cm tall.

If you're out with a 4mm hook try a 4.5mm hook.

If you have problems hitting the length this is not too important, as measurement will be given to follow.

* Working in first stitch ch1 does not count as a stitch so always ch1 and dc / sc in the first stitch*


Rows 1-3: ch1, dc in same, dc all.

Row 4: ch1, sc in same, sc 1, *bs, sc 2* repeat across.

Ch40 with 4mm hook

Row 1: 1 dc in 4th ch from hook, 1 dc in each of next 4ch, (dc 2, ch1, dc 2 in next), 1 dc in each of next 5ch, (dc 2, ch1, dc 2 in next), 1 dc in each of next 13ch, (dc 2, ch1, dc 2 in next), 1 dc in each of next 5ch, (dc 2, ch1, dc 2 in next), 1 dc in each of next 5ch. (53 including ch1s) Turn


Row 2: ch1, 1 dc in base of ch1, 1 dc in each of next 6, 3 dc in ch1 space, 1 dc in each of next 9, 3 dc in ch1 space, 1 dc in each of next 17, 3 dc in ch1 space, 1 dc in each of next 9, 3 dc in ch1 space, 1 dc in each of next 7. (61) Turn


Row 3: ch1, 1 dc in base of ch1, 1 dc in each of next 7, (dc 2, ch1, dc 2 in next), 1 dc in each of next 11, (dc 2, ch1, dc 2 in next), 1 dc in each of next 19, (dc 2, ch1, dc 2 in next), 1 dc in each of next 11, (dc 2, ch1, dc 2 in next), 1 dc in each of next 8. (77 including ch1s) Turn


Row 4: ch1, sc in same, sc 1, *bs, sc2* repeat to end. (77) Turn


Row 5: ch1, 1 dc in base of ch1, 1 dc in each of next 9, (dc 2, ch1, dc 2 in next), 1 dc in each of next 15, (dc 2, ch1, dc 2 in next), 1 dc in each of next 23, (dc 2, ch1, dc 2 in next), 1 dc in each of next 15, (dc 2, ch1, dc 2 in next), 1 dc in each of next 10. (93 including ch1s) Turn


Row 6: (Divide for arm holes) ch1, 1 dc in base of ch1, 1 dc in each of the next 11, 3 dc in next, skip next 20, 2 dc in next, 1 dc in each of the next 25, 2 dc in next, skip next 20, 3 dc in next, 1 dc in each of the next 12. (59) Turn


Row 7: ch1, dc in base of ch1, dc all. (59) Turn

Row 8: ch1, sc in same, sc 1, *bs, sc2* repeat to end. (59) Turn

Row 9-11: ch1, dc in base of ch1, dc all. (59) Turn


Repeat rows 8-11 until work measures approx 6 Inches from the shoulder.


Bottom rib edging

Row 1: ch7, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch back to edge of cardigan, join to the next st of the edge of cardigan using a slst then work one more slst into the next st (2 slsts in total for joining) (6) Turn

Row 2: ch1, sc all in blo. (6) Turn

Row 3: (in blo) ch1, sc all back to edge of cardigan, join to the next st of the edge of cardigan using a slst then work one more slst into the next st (2 slsts in total for joining) (6) Turn

Repeat Rows 2-3 until you get to the other side of the cardigan.

Fasten off.



With 4mm hook

Row 1: With WS facing rejoin to first un-worked dc under arm, ch1, 1 dc in base of ch1, 1 dc in each of next 23, slst to first at beginning of row. (24) Turn

Repeat in pattern until the sleeve measures 6 inches, then continue with the cuff.

Fasten off and repeat for the other sleeve.



Change to 3mm hook


Row 1: sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch back to edge of the sleeve, join to the next st of the edge of sleeve using a slst then work one more slst into the next st (2 slsts in total for joining)  (5) Turn

Row 2: ch1, sc all in blo. (5) Turn

Row 3: (in blo) ch1, sc back to edge of sleeve, join to the next st of the edge of sleeve using a slst then work one more slst into the next st (2 slsts in total for joining)  (5) Turn

Repeat rows 2 and 3 until you get all the way round, fasten off and sew the edges together.


Using a 3mm hook

With the back facing join yarn at the top right side, ch5

Row 1: sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch back to edge of collar, join to the next st of the edge of collar using a slst then work one more slst into the next st (2 slsts in total for joining)  (4) Turn

Row 2: ch1, sc all in blo. (4) Turn
Row 3: (in blo) ch1, sc back to edge of collar, join to the next st of the edge of collar using a slst then work one more slst into the next st (2 slsts in total for joining)  (4) Turn

Repeat rows 2 and 3 until you reach the other side of the collar. Fasten off

Button band

Using 3mm hook

With front facing join yarn at the left bottom and ch6.

Row 1: sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch back to edge of front, join to the next st of the edge of front using a slst then work one more slst into the next st (2 slsts in total for joining) (5) Turn

Row 2: ch1, sc all in blo. (5) Turn

Row 3: (in blo) ch1, sc back to edge of front, join to the next st of the edge of front using a slst then work one more slst into the next st (2 slsts in total for joining) (5) Turn

Repeat rows 2 and 3 until you reach the top of the collar. Fasten off.

Buttonhole band

Using 3mm hook

Mark out with stitch markers or scraps of yarn where you would like the button holes to be.

On the row for the buttonhole (sc 2, sk1, ch1, sc 2).


Starting at the top collar join yarn and ch6

Row 1: sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch back to edge of front, join to the next st of the edge of front using a slst then work one more slst into the next st (2 slsts in total for joining) (5) Turn

Row 2: ch1, sc all in blo. (5) Turn

Row 3: (in blo) ch1, sc back to edge of front, join to the next st of the edge of front using a slst then work one more slst into the next st (2 slsts in total for joining) (5) Turn

Repeat rows 2-3 until you reach the bottom of the cardigan, fasten off and sew the buttonhole band at the bottom. 

Sew buttons at the other side to match up with the buttonholes.

I hope you enjoyed making my pattern!

I would love to see your makes feel free to share @babycrochetdesigns Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook. 

*COPYRIGHT 2021 This pattern is made for personal use only. You may not copy, share or sell this pattern, you may make and sell items made from my patterns but please credit me @BabyCrochetDesigns as the designer many thanks*