Preemie Primrose Cardigan

This Cardigan is worked in one piece starting from the top and working down, then joining to make the sleeves and edging. The full pattern with sizes preemie to 4 years can be purchased here


220 metres dk / weight 3 yarn (I used Stylecraft Bambino 268 metres per 100g in shade Mellow Yellow) 

4mm hook

3 x 15mm buttons

Written in English US terms with abbreviations for UK terms

sc = single crochet (double crochet in UK)

hdc = half double crochet (half treble crochet UK)

dc = double crochet (treble crochet UK)

ch = chain

dec = decrease (crochet 2 stitches together)

[ ] = in the same stitch

* * = repeat between

*The chain 1 at the start of each row does not count as a stitch*

Gauge Square

With 4mm hook

Row 1: Ch11, hdc in 3rd ch from hook and each chain across. (9) Turn

Rows 2-5: ch1, hdc in base of ch1, hdc 8. (9) Turn

Square should measure 2 inches x 2 inches

If you're out with a 4mm hook try a 4.5mm hook.

Preemie 5-6lb

Row 1: Chain 39, hdc in the third chain from hook, hdc 3, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 7, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 11, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 7, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 4. (45) Turn

Row 2: ch1, hdc in the same, hdc 4, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 9, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 13, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 9, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 5. (53) Turn

Row 3: ch1, hdc in the same, hdc 5, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 11, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 15, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 11, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 6. (61) Turn

Row 4: ch1, hdc in the same, hdc 6, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 13, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 17, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 13, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 7. (69) Turn

Row 5: ch1, hdc in the same, hdc 7, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 15, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 19, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 15, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 8. (77) Turn

Row 6: ch1, hdc in the same, hdc 8, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 17, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 21, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 17, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 9. (85) Turn

Row 7: ch1, hdc in the same, hdc 9, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 19, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 23, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 19, 3 hdc in the next, hdc 10. (93) Turn 

Row 8: (divide for armholes) ch1, sc in the same, sc 10, 3 sc in the next, skip 21, 3 sc in the next, sc 25, 3 sc in the next, skip 21, 3 sc in the next, sc 11. (59) Turn

Row 9: ch1, hdc in the same, *skip 1, [sc, ch2, sc] in the next* repeat to the last two stitches, skip 1, hdc in the last. (56 sc + 2 hdc) Turn 

Row 10: ch1, dc in the same, [3 dc] in the ch2 space in the row below, [3 dc] in each ch2 space to end, ending with a dc in the last. (86) Turn

Row 11: ch1 hdc in the same, skip 1, [sc, ch2, sc] in the next, *skip 2, [sc, ch2, sc] in the next * repeat to the last two stitches, skip 1, hdc in the last. (56 sc + 2 hdc) Turn 

Repeat rows 10 and 11 until work measures 7.5 inches from shoulder, ending with a row 11, then continue to the button band on page 20.


Join yarn to the first unworked stitch at the side of the arm.

Row 1: Ch1, hdc in same, hdc to end, slst to first. (24) Turn

Row 2-3: ch1, hdc in same, hdc to end, slst to first. (24) Turn

Row 4: ch1, dec, hdc to end, slst to first. (23) Turn

Row 5: ch1, hdc in the same, hdc to end, slst to first. (23) Turn

Row 6: ch1, dec, hdc to end, slst to first. (22) Turn

Row 7: ch1, dec, hdc at end, slst to first. (21) Turn

Row 8: ch1, dec, hdc to end, slst to first. (20) Turn

Row 9: ch1, hdc in the same, hdc to end, slst to first. (20) Turn

Repeat row 9 until the sleeve measures 7” from shoulder.

Button/Buttonhole Bands

Button band

Row 1: continuing from bottom left hand side, ch1, 1 sc in the same, sc evenly up to the top. Turn

Row 2: Ch1, sc in the same, sc all. Turn

Fasten off.


Buttonhole band

Sew buttons on the button band, then mark out where you want the button holes.On the first row, ch1 and skip the one where the markers are.

Row 1: join yarn to the top right, ch1, 1 sc in the same, work sc evenly down to the bottom, ch1 and skip 1 where each marker is to create a button hole. Turn

Row 2: Ch1, sc in the same, sc all including the chains. 

Fasten off and sew in the ends.

I would love to see your makes feel free to share on @babycrochetdesigns on Instagram or facebook.

*COPYRIGHT 2023 This pattern is made for personal use only. You may not copy, share or sell this pattern, you may make and sell items made from my patterns but please credit me @BabyCrochetDesigns as the designer many thanks*